
Hanna Spohler empfiehlt 

Lies We Sing to the Sea

16,90 €

Ithaca is haunted by a deadly curse. Every year twelve women must die to guarantee Ithaca's safety and health. Leto is one of these girls. And she dies. This is how this book starts. All twelve bodies were washed up at the shores of an island, but Leto awoke, and she was not alone.  Melantho has been on the island for decades and buries all the dead girls that arrive each year. Leto seems to be just like her. Together they try to break Ithaca's curse and free themselves. Are the sacrifices they must overcome worth a life where they can live happily ever after?  Everyone who loved “The song of Achilles” will find a female version of it in this book. Greek mythology, love (-triangle) and two very strong, independent main characters.   I loved reading this book and fell in love not only with the characters but also with Sarah Underwoods writing style.  

Andrea Schiller empfiehlt 

Arthrose endlich heilen

26,00 €

Wer Arthrose hat, weiß, wie es sich anfühlt, in den Gelenken Schmerzen zu haben und sucht immer nach Möglichkeiten, dies zu ändern. Dr. Feil und Tobias Homburg zeigen mit ihrem Buch einen Weg auf, der helfen kann, Schmerzen zu lindern und ein mobileres Leben zu führen. Sie erklären verständlich, wie Ernährung, Bewegung und Arthrose zusammenhängen, geben Tipps und zeigen Übungen auf, die gut und einfach umzusetzen sind.